Membership and Referral Confirmation [ 申請方法 ] . 來自中國的申請人請注意:17/007:停止接受來自中國的會員登記
2024 年 12 月 31 日或之前遞交的申請已處理完畢。 2018 年 4 月 30 日或之前申請而被拒絕的戶口已經刪除,在此日期或之前提出申請的網友可用原有電郵及會員名稱重新註冊帳戶。 介乎上述日期間申請的網友如希望重新申請,則只須重新提交申請表格,無需重新註冊帳戶。
For foreigners who are non-Chinese users ONLY: Please complete the following steps in activating an account: 1. Register an account. REMEMBER THIS STEP. If you did not register an account, we cannot reach you back. 2. Submit the application letter, with your registered username, and reason for application. It is normal that your message does not appear on the forum index. Alternatively, you can also email the username and application reason to . We provide an English interface of the forum, which is available for selection in the account registration screen. We hope you would enjoy the forum.